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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Horse Art

( IMAGE removed due to THIEVERY by someone in KANSAS IP Address:

I've been wrestling with my studio - its divided between two rooms, which feels like it divides my brain! Never a good thing!  I've paid my son to paint the upstairs room I use as a natural light filled studio. Really, its just a drafting table and a couple of storage pieces for now.  I share this room with three cats and their various perches. They insist on possessing window sills, so each of the five windows has something on which they may recline to view the world. I also share this room with a hand-me-down out-of-key piano, which my daughter plays on occasion; and two or three guitars hang upon another wall. Oh yes, one of the windows is occupied by a bird cage with three budgies.
Its a busy room.
No wonder I'm distracted in it!
I did manage to create one drawing so far (above)...I posted it as a Work In Progress on my facebook page.  Come on by and check it out!

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It all began...

It all began...

A New Journey Begins

Funny how Dreams alter or are altered by the passage of time and changing circumstances. Perhaps as self-awareness deepens, the Dream must morph to accommodate this understanding or shift in paradigm.

The Journey and the Dream: each profoundly affect the other. The Dream breathes life and sustenance into the Journey, else it would be mere existence; a plodding certainty toward Death. For the Artist, a vision or dream is what drives the journey. As an artist, I am rediscovering my Vision and so my Journey begins anew.

Ravenwood Studio @ Skreened

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About Me

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I am a freelance visual artist and photographer. Almost anything can find its way into my subject matter and my muse is light - and dark! The drama of contrasts intrigue me. I'm beginning to delve into lifestyle and people portraiture. Life is an incredible journey and I am always amazed at where the journey leads me.