Please respect my copyright as author and artist. DO NOT Download images or text for your own use without permission. If you do, it IS STEALING. I can track who has...
If you are interested in purchasing an image message me. My work is reasonably priced.
Again, all images & text are copyright Renee Fukumoto. Do not download, print, or otherwise use in whole or in part any image or text from this blog or any of my websites.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The New Addition!

I'll tell you more about him later, but here's the newest addition to the clan: Levi

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Design!

I've just updated the look of this blog page, using a template (of course!) to which I could add a picture of my own choosing.  I created background image you see using a photograph of a gorgeous leopard Appaloosa I was fortunate enough to photograph in early Autumn 2010, and combining it with a layer of clouds (again from a photo I took).  After converting the resulting image to black and white I added a sepia wash.  I can imagine many more things I could do to play with this image, "Cloud Runner", but thought that for now at least, simplicity was best!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Photo A Day Project

I'm working on a photo a day project, which you can see at my facebook page.  I'm not very far along, of course, but I'm certainly enjoying this experience. I must say that I've already had a couple of days where I've wondered what I've gotten myself into. Ah well, I've promised myself that this is the year to set aside fear - of both failure and success - and just move forward.
Here's a little taste of what I've 'caught' so far (primarily, I've caught a deeper passion for photography and can't wait to see it grow!)

I'm really hoping to start some portrait type shoots too. I won't know if I have a talent for it until I try, so...that will be an ongoing project.  Any volunteers?

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Only, its really 02*01*11! LOL  Yesterday I was too busy reading photography discussion boards and blogs and then preparing to host my inlaws for our traditional Chinese food New Years Day dinner.

Its hard to believe 2011 has begun.  Where will the year take me? What will I do to challenge myself? Will I finally be able to let go of some of my fears? If I were to choose a motto for this year it would be "Fear: So What?"   I think I will go with that and see where it leads.  I read the statement in the book "Eat, Pray, Love" and heard the distinct 'ping' of recognition.  This is for me, who is afraid to fail AND afraid to succeed!

Another quote that I recently read makes just so much sense:
"To avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, be nothing" Elbert Hubbard

I suppose the same can be said of failure/success/change.

On an exciting note, for my Photographer self, I received the lens I've been longing for (for over a year): a Nikon AF-S 70-200 f2.8 GII ED, from my husband for Christmas (though my earnings from Zazzle will be paying for a goodly portion of this purchase!).  I have affectionately named it Konig, since the salesman referred to this lens as "the King" of lenses!  It was purchased at Aden Camera in the Pacific Mall, Markham. An excellent price - and rebate from Nikon at the same time. Couldn't be beat!

Here's a wee sample of my first 'play date' with Konig:

You can see a few more similar pics on my facebook page.

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It all began...

It all began...

A New Journey Begins

Funny how Dreams alter or are altered by the passage of time and changing circumstances. Perhaps as self-awareness deepens, the Dream must morph to accommodate this understanding or shift in paradigm.

The Journey and the Dream: each profoundly affect the other. The Dream breathes life and sustenance into the Journey, else it would be mere existence; a plodding certainty toward Death. For the Artist, a vision or dream is what drives the journey. As an artist, I am rediscovering my Vision and so my Journey begins anew.

Ravenwood Studio @ Skreened

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About Me

My photo
I am a freelance visual artist and photographer. Almost anything can find its way into my subject matter and my muse is light - and dark! The drama of contrasts intrigue me. I'm beginning to delve into lifestyle and people portraiture. Life is an incredible journey and I am always amazed at where the journey leads me.